Follow the steps below to start syncing data from CloudQuery source integrations (opens in a new tab) to destination integrations (opens in a new tab).
Download CloudQuery CLI
You can download the precompiled binary from releases (opens in a new tab), or using CLI:
curl -L https://github.com/cloudquery/cloudquery/releases/download/cli-v6.15.3/cloudquery_windows_amd64.exe -o cloudquery.exe
Sign in with CloudQuery
To sign in from the CLI, run the following command:
cloudquery.exe login
A new browser window will open where you will complete the sign-in process.
You will be able to create a new account when you sign in with the CLI for the first time. Alternatively, head to CloudQuery Cloud (opens in a new tab) to create a new account.
For a non-interactive sign-in process and sync, you can generate an API key. This is useful for production deployments.
Create a Sync Configuration
CloudQuery supports many sources (opens in a new tab) and destinations (opens in a new tab).
In this guide we'll create a configuration to sync from the AWS source (opens in a new tab) to the SQLite destination (opens in a new tab) using the init
Run the following command to create a configuration file:
cloudquery.exe init --source aws --destination sqlite --spec-path aws_to_sqlite.yaml
To pick from a list of available sources and destinations, run the init
command without any arguments.
By default, when you run the script, it will sync the aws_ec2_instances
table. You can find all the available resources you can sync on the AWS source integration page (opens in a new tab).
Authenticate to AWS
The CloudQuery AWS integration requires read only permissions in order to sync information from your AWS cloud environment.
There are several different methods for authenticating to your AWS cloud environment (opens in a new tab). Be sure you authenticate before you run your first sync.
If you need help authenticating and syncing your AWS data with CloudQuery, the best place to get help is on the CloudQuery Community forum (opens in a new tab), or you can setup a demo with our team (opens in a new tab).
Start Syncing
Run the following command to start syncing:
cloudquery.exe sync aws_to_sqlite.yaml
You should see a spinner with number of resources synced and the time it took to sync.
To learn about the available options for the sync
command, run cloudquery sync --help
Examine the Data
Once the sync is done you can query the data via the database directly via the sqlite3
(opens in a new tab) command line tool or any other SQLite client.
Run the following command to get your oldest 10 EC2 instances:
sqlite3.exe db.sql "SELECT account_id, instance_id, region, launch_time FROM aws_ec2_instances ORDER BY launch_time ASC LIMIT 10"
The output should look like this:
account_id instance_id region launch_time
------------ ------------------- -------------- -------------------
012345678901 i-0jklm0123nopq4567 us-west-1 2021-06-10 07:30:00
012345678901 i-0ijkl9012mnop3456 ca-central-1 2021-07-25 12:40:00
012345678901 i-0hijk8901lmno2345 sa-east-1 2021-08-15 15:10:00
012345678901 i-0ghij7890klmn1234 eu-central-1 2021-08-30 11:50:00
012345678901 i-0fghi6789jklm0123 us-east-2 2021-09-05 17:20:00
012345678901 i-0efgh5678ijkl9012 ap-northeast-1 2021-10-25 08:00:00
012345678901 i-0defg4567hijk8901 ap-southeast-1 2021-11-10 13:15:00
012345678901 i-0cdef3456ghij7890 eu-west-1 2021-11-20 09:45:00
012345678901 i-0bcde2345fghi6789 us-west-2 2021-12-15 14:30:00
012345678901 i-0abcd1234efgh5678 us-east-1 2022-01-01 10:00:00
Next Steps
Now that you have successfully synced data from the AWS source (opens in a new tab) to the SQLite destination (opens in a new tab), you can explore more sources and destinations: