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First things first - feel free to join our Community (opens in a new tab)!

GitHub Issues

There are a couple of ways to get help for any CloudQuery-related issues or questions.

  1. Check out previous issues at (opens in a new tab) and open a new one if no previous one has been opened or resolved.
  2. Check out previous threads on our Community (opens in a new tab) and open a new one if no previous one matches your issue.


Verbose Logging

Usually the first step that will be needed to debug/resolve an issue is to run cloudquery with --log-level debug to enable verbose logging.


The CLI may print out environment variables, including sensitive information, when verbose logging is enabled.

Error: "failed to migrate source"…

If you see an error such as failed to migrate source, it means that, while upgrading a plugin, the migration of the SQL schema failed. CloudQuery makes a best-effort attempt to automatically and transparently manage the schemas of plugins, but this can sometimes fail during version upgrades.

The easiest solution is to drop and recreate the database or schema (or less destructively, all the plugin's tables, such as aws_*).

I am running cloudquery sync with multiple source plugins (or multiple cloudquery syncs), but some tables are empty / some rows are duplicated

When running cloudquery sync with multiple source plugins (or multiple cloudquery syncs in parallel), it is important that every plugin-configuration has a unique name. If the names are not unique, the different plugins may overwrite/delete each others data.

It is also important that every plugin-configuration is fetching different data (i.e. no two plugins are fetching the same account/table/region combination).

You can read more about this here.

My AWS sync is taking a long time. What can I do to speed it up?

A few specific tables in AWS are quite slow to sync. You can try skipping them if you don't need this data. Take a look at the skip_tables list (opens in a new tab). If syncs are still taking a long time, you can also take a look at our performance tuning guide.

I am running cloudquery sync locally, but it is taking a long time / doesn't seem to finish

(If running the AWS plugin, try the skip_tables solution from the previous paragraph first).

Large CloudQuery plugins, such as AWS, make a lot of DNS queries (for example, the AWS plugin makes a DNS query per num_regions * num_services). Some less performant DNS servers may not be able to handle this load (e.g. home routers). You can try pointing your machine to a different DNS server (such as the reliable Google DNS Server (opens in a new tab)).